yssa called me up about an hour ago cause she was bored. woah. it's been a while since that happened. anyway, i'm still a bit sleepy, but that's ok. i have just finished reading eleven minutes at around 2 in the morning. then i watched dracula on HBO, i've been watching a lot of movies lately. usually, i don't have the patience to watch them. then i watched CSI: Miami--I hate CSI: Miami. But when I saw this guy in the morgue wake up, i couldn't seem to get myself to change the channel. lolz. (: you're probably wondering why i slept so late when i'm supposed to wake up at 5 in the morning everyday.
rewind and freeze.yesterday, during my morning run at nfa(valerie's been too lazy to wake up), daddy took a little too long with badminton. he picked me up around 7:30 ish, so basically i've been running for about two hours. i felt awesome, of course. but the whole awesomeness faded when i took my shoes off. my feet hurt like shizz! lolz. it was irritating. so i just lied down and tried reading, but i fell asleep. honestly, i thought it would go away when i'd just sleep on it. this used to happened to me all the time during taekwondo, that my classmates would just laugh at me whenever i walked akwardly in school and say something like, "hey van, did your foot get ran over by a motorcycle again?"--and that really happened, btw. once. anyway, back then it would go away in a few hours but then when i woke up around 2-ish, my foot still hurt. so i just watched television. it was too bad i couldn't get out. i always wanted to go to the park with a can of soda and a good book and read all afternoon, see, it's been a while since i read a book talaga, since i've been reading nothing but ebooks-after promising to myself i wouldn't spend any more money on books. (:
everytime i see beedle the bard and the twilight saga, i'd cuss at myself and think "what the hell were you thinking? after reading them on the computer, you had to buy them! why'd you have to be so effing ostentatious?!"
i've been wanting to sell them so bad, but i don't think anyone's stupid enough to pay for something you can get at the bookstore that looks wayy better. beedle the bard, eclipse and breaking dawn all look good as new--if you don't count the names on the right corner on the first page, since they have never been out of the house ever since the day they arrived. as for twilight and new moon, they look pretty bad. i'd sell them for 150, that is, if anyone would buy them xDD
back to the present.i obviously loved it. it's always nice to be able to try reading something new, after all that lemony snicket and eek!~stephenie meyer i've been stuck with. i've read the devil and miss prym when i was in my sophomore year, but ate danja was still reading it, so i wasn't able to finish. but it was really good. i seem to have forgotten how good Coelho was until i read eleven minutes, but whatever. i wanna read the devil and miss prym. i hope my sister would let me borrow her book.
currently reading: (rd's recommendation) eleven minutes - paulo coelho
yssa and i are friends again. (:
i know, i'm shocked too. lol.
but, i think there's one person not happy about it. now, i've dropped her name many times before during one of my petty rants, and now she's become a blind item since i have this feeling that she visits my blog. well now, READ THIS LITTLE MISS YOU-KNOW-WHO-YOU-ARE.
I know you're shocked that we're back, and I can see that you
refuse to believe it. But I don't care. Yssa and I have already put the past behind us, and no matter what you say about her, I wouldn't care anymore. I can see what you're trying to do. Talking shit about her to cover up your stink
/ to keep her all to yourself. But that's not gonna work anymore. I don't care what you think or say about me as well, so you can just go on pretending that you're happy about it. mmkay?
Or you can talk more shit, like that'll do you any good. ;p
moving on..
now that i've realized that i've been hanging out with the wrong people, what am i gonna do? I can't just stop hanging out with them, or else they're gonna get really mad or say that i've changed and stuff. i need to be the vanessa i used to be. lol. serious, mature. without being totally the old me. cause now i'm more optimistic and understanding--i think. ;]
i checked my new year's resolution post and let's review:
be more optimistic: semi-done.
control my temper(and my tongue). lol i have to get started on this one. (:3)
save more. i didn't have a summer job. :(
be more sociable. i've gotten myself more friends, all right. the wrong kind. but, i got Yssa back, so plus points, eh? lollerz.
expand the vocab. heh.
get a course. i already have plan a. but i'm still needing back-up. and nursing is next to skipping college. xD
clean the room. lol
yesterday was much, much better than last year. except for the fact that i was such an emotional wreck yesterday. lol. anyway, fifteen. err. i feel awful. i dreaded 13, and i pretended i wasn't 14. but 15! oh gawd, this is too much.
whatever. i'm 12 forever man.
anyway, we went to church in the morning, then had breakfast at the convent/place where priests live--the parish priest is our godfather, soo yea. we got some moolah. haha.
then we went home and i slept until noon or something. and the weather was freaking awesome! haha. some people don't like rain, i loove rain. xDD when the rain stopped, i went over to inna's cafe and brought food, since we can't go out anymore.
finally, the princess hours dvd from ebay arrived, and i watched it all afternoon. ~screw boys over flowers! asar, ang dami kong kaagaw dun sa vanness nila. lollerz.
other stuff that made my day:
1. half a dozen original glazed donuts from rd ((:

2. the cake that we got from YFC - or what's left of it.

3. daddy showing up. lol. you guys know my situation. x3
4. i withdrew some money from the bank for my trip to cebu, now i can deposit it back.
5. person greeted me! weird. no, it's not a boy. she and i used to be so close, but we seemed to drift apart. then yesterday inasar ko pa siya cause i caught her logging on when i went invisible~and vice versa. hate it when that happens. i don't care if you're online and we don't talk. when greysh/mina/jue ann are online, most times we don't talk, but we're friends. you didn't have to do that. it's so rude. but you greeted me! lol. maybe you commented me before i snapped, but thank you person. ((: lollerz.
hindi na ganun ka sipag ang mga tao mag-blog ngayon.
sige lang. go parin ako. lulz
1. I can't whistle.
2. If I really enjoy a book, I’ll read it more than once. I've read a few old favorits a dozen times. 3. I have a collection of stamps.
4. I wish my name was Georgina.
5. I don't like going to movies.
6. I sing along to the opening credits of CSI, CSI: NY, and CSI:Miami
7. I don't watch CSI:Miama cause i find the guy's neck-twitching too distracting
8. I hate it when people use jaja, or jeje. especially guys. i mean, who laughs like that?!
9. I procrastinate too much.
10. I'm so desperate to get lighter skin.
11. I'm married to Hayden Christensen and Chace Crawford
12. I get goosebumps when I read A Series of Unfortunate Events.
13. Blair and Chuck make me cry.
14. My all-time favorite movie is Big Fish.
15. I like Audrey Hepburn.
16. I still use the term tao-tao. For example, Pangit man yang Transformers na cartoons uy. Mas astig yung tao-tao.
17. When I was a kid, I used to watch Andrew E. movies on Viva cinema every Sunday.
18. I was allowed to cross the road with an older person when I was 10. I tried crossing the street when I was in grade 2, and I got in heaps of trouble.
19. I don't like action movies much. Like the ones with all the guns and explosions.
20. I snap on people who have bad grammar.
classmate: san i-held?
me: anong sabi mo? i-held? wag ka daw mag-taglish be, kung mali-mali man din.
21. I like phones with big screens. My dream phone used to be a sidekick3, but i realized it's impossible to have that in the Philippines, so now it's
22. I like cars.
23. I listen to everything. And my dad influenced me to listen to classics. From Jimmy Smith to Cat Stevens to The Beatles. Especially The Beatles.
24.When we were young, our lullabies were If I fell is and PS I Love You.
25. I'm closer to my cousins in my father's side, cause they're much, much more mature.
26. I may look tough and all, but I'm really not.
27. I've had a diary since I was in 5th grade but I barely write on it now cause I prefer typing. (: 28. I hate books-cause they're so fragile.
29. I haven't read a single classic.
30. I took dancing lessons when I was in 1st grade, and I suck at it.
31. I also took singing, karate and taekwondo lessons.
32. I'd trade all my books for a Kindle2.
33. I'm awesome at airguitar.
34. I don't get along with people my age.
35. My favorite drama ever is Goong.
36. I always mistype now as know.
37. I collect flip-flops.
38. I still get sick on long trips.
39. I try to spend as much time with music as much as possible, and so far I've been doing great.
40. I like to dance, but I'm terrible at it.
41. I don't proofread.
42. One of my biggest dreams is to be on the cover of asiaweek just like my grandfather.
43. I prefer to be barefoot.
44. I believe in reincarnation.
45. After crying for 3 hours until I fell asleep, I now hate crying.
46. I like hugs wayy better than kisses.
47. I'm bad with numbers.
48. I read very fast.
49. I'm super random in person.
50. I tell everything to God, and Valerie.
51. Whenever I walk on the street and there would be pervs being all, "hi ga, pwede pangayo number mo?" I'd pause and say "Go fuck yourself, asshole."
52. I listen to Linkin Park whenever I'm bored.
53. I'm glad I hate drinking.
54. Sleeping pills have no effect on me anymore. I have drank super strong coffee and took barbiturates after[and vice versa] too many times.
55. I haTe i+ wh3n ppOL typ3 like thi5
56. I prefer to use the terms lezbo, bisexual or gay, rather than lesbian talaga.
57. When I'm bored, I speak IM.
58. I used to make myself a new Myspace every couple of months.
59. I joined Friendster in 5th grade cause I saw Hilary Duff's picture someone's profile at an internet cafe.
60. I've only been to one concert. (:
61. Cotabato is such a big part of our family, but I've never been there before.
62. I hate cross-dressers.
63. Jessica Zafra is my favorite author.
64. Chicken Pox for the Soul is my bible.
65. I do not eat okra and ampalaya.
66. My knees hurt when I eat beans. ) :
67. When people talk like they know something, but they're so wrong or it's old news, I snap at them.
68. I rush things.
69. I like to help people.
70. Do Something is my favorite Britney video and song everr.
71. I'm bad at catching stuff.
72. I used to have boycut hair.
73. I used to lie all the time. Now, i consider lying a one-way ticket to ending a friendship.
74. I like puppies. I just don't like it when they get big/old.
75. I only have one stuffed toy. It's a teddy bear I got for Christmas when I was in fifth grade.
76. I have a love-hate relationship with g-tec's. the shortest period of time i've ever owned one was a day.
77. Some people get shocked when I say I'm a pacifist.
78. Revenge is sweet. ;] I learned how to hack in 5th grade.
79. Having a love life is currently the least of my priorities. Really.
80. I bite my ice cream.
81. The real reason why I don't have a cell phone is not because I'm letting my mom use it(but that's true too) but because wala akong kwentang kausap.
82. In sophomore year, there was this guy who was taking a picture of me in school and i yelled at him right after mass and he cried. (:
83. I don't like friendster, but since all the cool kids are using it.. ulollerz.
84. I tend to bite my lips a lot until they bleed.
85. I don't eat exotic food. and dinuguan is counted as exotic in my book.
86. I've never bought an album in my life.
87. I'm starting to expect the best in people. It’s something I’d like to change.
The Devil and Miss Prym made me realize that people are essentially selfish, no matter how you'd wish they weren't.
88. I would like to be fluent in a language other than English.
89. I am a list maker. I feel enormous satisfaction when I cross something off.
90. I am also intrinsically lazy.
91. I like vanilla ice cream best of all.
92. Big words make me feel cool.
93. I tend to worry a lot.
94. I'm afraid of huge grins. This is because of a Shake, Rattle and Roll movie.
95. I suck at reading aloud.
96. I love T.I.
97. I've called every color my favorite except for grey.
98. It took me 6 months to get this list done.
99. I don't like cats.
100. If I had one super power, it would be the ability to control time. (:
Labels: Because I'm Bored.
LSS of the moment:
love of mine, someday you will die
but i'll be close behind
i'll follow you into the dark
the other night i saw into the wild, cause i wanted to see why catherine hardwicke fell in love with kristen here. anyway, gawd, that movie sucked! it was so effing depressing. i was seriously hoping that he could live, since i understood where he was coming from and all. but he didn't! ugh. and this isn't like the tragedy in the mist where you're like, "of course they'll kill themselves. duh!" i got so absorbed with the damn movie. and it just made me EXTRA pessimistic.
.sekiy .oot ,htam yduts dna .agalat tseb ym evig dna evitisop kniht ot evah tsuj i tub !od ot tahw aedi on evah i ?woh ,tub .od ll'i tahw s'taht dna .drah laer dekrow eh esuac deneppah siht lla taht dna ,won sah eh efil eht morf raf saw efil sih taht dias yeht .)gniyas tsuj ,tnediserp eht s'otit ym dna(.oavad atoyot fo namriahc ekil won si ohw-rehtafdnarg ym rof saw efil drah woh tuoba deklat ew dna snisuoc ruo htiw dah ew noisses gniknird siht rebmemer i .yllaicepse ,ylimaf ym rof .retteb eb dluow sgniht taht hsiw tsuj i .erac t'nod i .tahw derevocsid ro ohw htiw evolni llef ro ,ohw teem t'nod i fi erac t'nod i !ylsuoires .gnihtyreve pu evig d'i .erutuf eht fo esruoc eht egnahc fo tros uoy ?thgir ,tsap eht egnahc uoy nehw sneppah tahw s'taht esuac ,efil ym ni secneirepxe tseb eht pu gnivig snaem ti fi erac t'nod i .sgniht egnahc tsuj dna )ehcilc os ,hud(emit ni kcab og dluoc i taht hsiw tsuj i .taht fo esuaceb thgin ta peels t'nac i dna .ecaf ym ni ereht thgir era tegrof tsuj ro pu revoc ot deirt ev'i taht efil ym ni gniht gnorw yreve dna sekatsim ym lla ,hguorht enog ev'i parc eht lla ,ekil
today's my del corro grand father's 11th death anniversary. and we're celebrating. weird. for me, at least. cause dad's always been so funny. when he was alive, mamang-our grandmother would say, that during his mom's death anniversary he would ask mamang to cook pancit, and mamang would be like, "why? shouldn't we be mourning?" and dad would just say, "mourning? she's with God now. so let's celebrate!" gosh, i miss dad. (:
i wonder when this depression would be over...