currently reading: (rd's recommendation) eleven minutes - paulo coelho
yssa and i are friends again. (:
i know, i'm shocked too. lol.
but, i think there's one person not happy about it. now, i've dropped her name many times before during one of my petty rants, and now she's become a blind item since i have this feeling that she visits my blog. well now, READ THIS LITTLE MISS YOU-KNOW-WHO-YOU-ARE.
I know you're shocked that we're back, and I can see that you
refuse to believe it. But I don't care. Yssa and I have already put the past behind us, and no matter what you say about her, I wouldn't care anymore. I can see what you're trying to do. Talking shit about her to cover up your stink
/ to keep her all to yourself. But that's not gonna work anymore. I don't care what you think or say about me as well, so you can just go on pretending that you're happy about it. mmkay?
Or you can talk more shit, like that'll do you any good. ;p
moving on..
now that i've realized that i've been hanging out with the wrong people, what am i gonna do? I can't just stop hanging out with them, or else they're gonna get really mad or say that i've changed and stuff. i need to be the vanessa i used to be. lol. serious, mature. without being totally the old me. cause now i'm more optimistic and understanding--i think. ;]
i checked my new year's resolution post and let's review:
be more optimistic: semi-done.
control my temper(and my tongue). lol i have to get started on this one. (:3)
save more. i didn't have a summer job. :(
be more sociable. i've gotten myself more friends, all right. the wrong kind. but, i got Yssa back, so plus points, eh? lollerz.
expand the vocab. heh.
get a course. i already have plan a. but i'm still needing back-up. and nursing is next to skipping college. xD
clean the room. lol
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