yesterday was much, much better than last year. except for the fact that i was such an emotional wreck yesterday. lol. anyway, fifteen. err. i feel awful. i dreaded 13, and i pretended i wasn't 14. but 15! oh gawd, this is too much.
whatever. i'm 12 forever man.
anyway, we went to church in the morning, then had breakfast at the convent/place where priests live--the parish priest is our godfather, soo yea. we got some moolah. haha.
then we went home and i slept until noon or something. and the weather was freaking awesome! haha. some people don't like rain, i loove rain. xDD when the rain stopped, i went over to inna's cafe and brought food, since we can't go out anymore.
finally, the princess hours dvd from ebay arrived, and i watched it all afternoon. ~screw boys over flowers! asar, ang dami kong kaagaw dun sa vanness nila. lollerz.
other stuff that made my day:
1. half a dozen original glazed donuts from rd ((:

2. the cake that we got from YFC - or what's left of it.

3. daddy showing up. lol. you guys know my situation. x3
4. i withdrew some money from the bank for my trip to cebu, now i can deposit it back.
5. person greeted me! weird. no, it's not a boy. she and i used to be so close, but we seemed to drift apart. then yesterday inasar ko pa siya cause i caught her logging on when i went invisible~and vice versa. hate it when that happens. i don't care if you're online and we don't talk. when greysh/mina/jue ann are online, most times we don't talk, but we're friends. you didn't have to do that. it's so rude. but you greeted me! lol. maybe you commented me before i snapped, but thank you person. ((: lollerz.
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