i close my eyes, and the flashback starts.
Monday, June 29, 2009
let the words flow
so i was going through my old blog and i always thought that i never had a young and stupid phase. lulz. i have always been a little know-it-all, but looking back, egad. i was soo... go judge.
YEY!!! 15 mins left til graduation day starts!!! well.. i look rily messy now... curlers on mii head.. messy clothes gee... i'm late!!! haha well im so excited and mii ate is the one hu'll come wid me... oh crap im so xcited!!!!!!! hahahaha well.. i'll be giving u some scoops bout graduation day later... wish mwoah luck!
-March 29, 2006
but my taste in music has never changed. my [online] friends have always influenced me to the type of music i loved. i still don't proofread, though. xD
and the exlamation points! lulz. I have a classmate who never uses periods or commas when he texts, just exlamation points and i hate texting him. but looking back..fudge.
and the whole
well thing has become
so.it was soo hot today, especially when Ray put up the new curtains. and i srsly want to kill PM. he is such an asshole! ugh. he's gonna die, soon.
on a happier note, Ma'am Aruelo's gone for a week. God is great! (:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
another realization.
Friday, June 26, 2009
minimalism = bliss. (:
so. we had another CAT formation today while it was raining, but i like the whole bit now. I like being busy. lolz. but not so busy that i don't have time to blog no more. i love my blog.(:
anyway, as i said, by some miracle, math has been making sense to me. anyway, we had a long quiz today which i really prepared for because i wanted to make up for getting a zero on our homework. rewind. the other day we were given homework, so i did it. by myself. and i haven't done that in math in years. lulz. anyway, yeah. i was so proud that i made my own homework. but when it was time to check, i missed writing - before x on all 5 items. so yeah, i got zero. /rewind. aruelo said that even if we had everything right, and our papers were all messy, she was gonna deduct points from our papers, so i was soo obsessed with keeping it neat cause i was so confident that i got everything right. i was even one of the first to finish. so after we passed our papers, aruelo said how the last item was supposed to be done, and i got that part wrong. i was stunned. you know how you get scores on math, right? it's either you get zero on one item for one tiny mistake, or you get 5 points, one point per line on the solution--i hope that's how she does it. no one really knows how she grades, cause she's never returned our papers. sigh. way to go, vanessa.
On a happier note, we're gonna watch a movie for english. it's Troy, not the Brad Pitt version--but the classic. Ma'am Aleta's gaga about Greek mythology. and the movie's pretty long daw, so we'll be watching it all week, to help us out with the whole role-playing thing. woo-hoo! (: and.. i'm also gonna be joining the CAT thingies, like the real deal. I saw Cadet Kelly the other day, and i kind of got curious. lolz. hooray for vanessa for doing extra curricular activities! lulz.
btw, apparently we're not MARKers. we're ANTHONYms. from get marked., we are now ME is the opposite of YOU. soo not catchy. wrong grammar pa talaga, but there's nothing i can do about that, cause it was Anna's suggestion. and let's just say that Mayor Ray is dead na dead for her. xDD
I have a new crush, btw. and Valerie's all van, please, don't like him, like him. he's from tacurong! ulollerz. and i get her. i've already made a vow to say no to tacurongnons. but i just like him cause he's really good in english. and i'm a sucker for english-speaking guys. xDD but it's nothing big, just something for me to look forward to in school. haha. he's in Ilocos now, and he's gone for two weeks. maybe that would make me not like him anymore. haha
Monday, June 22, 2009
see? i STILL hate mondays.
i feel like i'm about to collapse. i always sleep at 11 and wake up at 5, and i never sleep in class. even on the weekends, i get up early. last saturday i woke up at 8am and last sunday i woke up at 5 cause we went to church early, even though i was up until the wee hours of the night. but i'm not even feeling sleepy at ALL. it's weird. o.O
i officially hate filipino. our teacher is such a bitch! she's always smiling. and i mean always. even when she's getting mad, she's smiling. which makes it even creepier. gah, math is okay. ma'am aruelo's actually pretty good. she's the best math teacher i've had in years cause the 2nd year teacher, ma'am morong was good but she keeps yelling and won't answer any of our questions and as for paclibar, well. let's just say the whole class didn't learn much about math, but we've known her well enough to write her an autobiography. chismosa is an understatement. srsly.
we also had our seating assignments for computer today, and i have the worst seat. up front on the far right. dang, my favorite subject and i can't even enjoy it. ;/
ugh, i gotta go. i have to find out what the f statistical mechanics is for our report tomorrow. x.X
Friday, June 19, 2009
we have fudging CAT thingies.
and thank goodness, we didn't have classes last wednesday afternoon. they just had club elections and stuff. yey! (:
this afternoon i was in a pretty bad mood and emerson started pinching me. so i punched him in the gut once. then he pinched me again and ran for it. so i chased him-omg ikr! so unlady-like. lulz- then i fell. i didn't trip, i just fell.
natisod daw ako, but i don't really know what that word means. my knees and palms hurt soo bad. ugh
anyway, i found these today:
photos from when we were so busy making the newspaper. my group got the highest score, btw. (: this year we're having the same english teacher and this year's big project is a play from Iliad. We're doing Andromecha and Hector's farewell while some of the other groups are doing Priam ransoms the body of Hector. I'm pretty excited. Of course i'm not acting, i'll be the script writer. looks like reading New Moon n times is actually useful. lolz
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
and cut
i have bad news and good news.
let's start with the good, shall we?
i'm joining harbinger. lolz. finally, right? xD
for the past three years the only extra-curricular activities i've been doing is YFC. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm elated that I'm doing something new. And this is bound to keep me busy. The moderator slash the teacher i loathed the most before that fateful incident with Ma'am Aruelo said that they're buying a DSLR and maybe even a laptop, and i volunteered to be the photojournalist. or photographer. whatever. and i'm gonna be doing the feature. Speaking of which, I didn't write anything for Harbinger's feature, but somehow the articles I wrote for The Chronicle ended up on last year's Harbinger's 2nd issue, and that really ticked me off. Not because they put my stuff there without permission or anything, but they made me look bad. The Oscars? please. And they don't proofread-lol as if i do!- they made all my grammar look bad. No offense, but the grammar in my articles on the Chronicle were pretty good. I just got too lazy to proofread my groupmates' articles, thus the typos. dang.
i miss venting. haha
so okay. I went to Kimsan today to buy a calculator [because Ma'am Aruelo's gonna kill me if I don't have one. Remember what happened last year when half the class didn't have calculators?] and then when I got outside to get my bag, someone bumped into me and i ended up err, bumping against the screen thingy at the baggage counter and my uniform ripped. It was around 1:15, so I figured if i went home to change I'd be so late. And if I just went to school, i'd be dead. I wouldn't be just teased, I'd be bullied with it. Hard to believe, eh? someone like me being bullied. Girl who made boys cry get bullied. That's what I get for trying to turn into a pacifist. anyway, i went home and slept. gahd, last monday night i took 2 neozeps and i couldn't fall asleep. then last night i took the same dose and i still couldn't fall asleep even though my head falls all the time during class. i can't take 3 tablets, cause it would be an overdose or something. err. stupid insomia. so, i skipped school, right? i also skipped two hours of physics and a "short" quiz on math. puh-lease, there is never a short quiz on math. urgh. i'm trying to be better at physics and math, and this is what happens. FUDGE.
Monday, June 15, 2009
foodtrip day
The regular classes started today, and I didn't run for PRO. Because according to Ray, I don't deserve to be an officer. I still don't understand why he elected me sgt. at arms, though. Laugh all you want, but I plan to be the worse sgt. at arms. They're gonna regret it. most of the candidates for Class Officers, just like I predicted, were popular airheads. And some of them were these trouble-making sluts. They're loud, dumb, and they drink alcohol in their uniforms! And of course, Shariah made their speeches. They were so pathetic, asking for a chance to let them change. poo. You ain't Obama, why would we give you that chance? and I was so glad the seniors had enough brains not to vote for them. lulz. This gay guy ran for governor, and running against him was Ephol, the transferee from our class. Ephol's surprisingly good, I wondered why he wasn't in the first section during sophomore and junior years.
Kanina during religion-or religious studies as Sir Javison like to call it, he said that Ma'am Pascua-teh adviser, complained that some of the students never clean. Like me! lolz. so new resolution: since I heard Ma'am Pascua's pretty kuripot with giving grades, and 40% of our grade in HRG is behavior and helpfulness or something, I'm cleaning. starting tomorrow. xD
I don't know what's up with Tessa, but suddenly she asked us to go to Beaux with her this afternoon. And what did we eat? a whole platter of Bam-i, or whatever they call it. Gah, I'm so full. I'm taking as much pictures as possible. It's our senior year, dammit! our last year. Some of us are even talking about college now. T__T

My bedtime has been 8pm+neozep or I'd fall asleep at 10, cause I have to wake up at 5 in the morning to run. I didn't know that one of my classmates lived in NFA, so when I went to school everyone was like, "part, jogging ta bwas aga ha!/dude, let's go jogging tomorrow morning!" whatever. People have been asking me what course I was planning to take. But I'm not gonna tell them. Basta. All I'm gonna say is I have to be at least 5'2-oo pandak ako.- for it, and be reaaaaaaaalllllllly good at math and physics. Speaking of math, it's been good. Even though Ma'am Aruelo's voice is so effing small (which is weird cause she yells at me all the time at the prefect of discipline) and I should never stop listening or else I wouldn't understand what she's saying anymore, I still get it. I regret not taking the NCAE review, but just like what i always say, everything happens for a reason. (:
Valerie has been nagging me to go watch Angels and Demons with her at KCC, but I kept telling her that I won't watch it until I've read the book. And I wouldn't read the book cause I remember reading the first part right after I read The Da Vinci Code in 6th grade, and I thought it was pretty sucky. And I was right! lolz. Only the middle part was good. Maybe because halfway through the book and went online to find out who the bad guy was. Because of Greysh I've been such a spoiler. lolz. Anyway, yeah. It wasn't the bomb like I thought it would be, but that's okay.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
the sky is falling.
that would have been more believable. unfortunately, i have to accept this very sad truth.
Ray Catbagan - 380 votes
Shariah Lucero - 773 votes
PM is going to kill me for posting the results now, cause only the COMSTEL[Commission on Student Elections] people know the results, but whatever. It's not like anyone from class actually goes here. You're all probably going "wtf? i thought this shariah person wasn't running?" i'll get to that. but i have to make valerie pay up first. see, we made a bet on who would win. i voted for Ray of course, and even though there has never been a female president in our school--until today, of course--well, change has come. and change ain't good.
valerie's nowhere to be found. gah, nevermind. okayyy. yesterday was the deadline for the filing of candidacy and st. mark srsly went "wtf? no way man!" when this guy from the lower section filed his candidacy for president, with his party and everything. and i totally knew what was going on. this guy i'm talking about is one of shariah's friends and i knew she was gonna talk him out of running for president because she knew he was gonna win because he's so effin famous BUT shariah also knew he was incapable and i knew he wasn't really running. so guy says, "sha, if you don't run, i'm running." poo.
famous girl shariah runs for president and when asked how the heck she's balancing ssc and harbinger, she's putting on her fake humility and says, "di pa man sigurado na manalo ako uy!" huh. more poo. and so Ray lost, but Anna won. and Anna's opponent is Farhanna. There's been a rumor going around that if she lost, she's running for class governor. and Ray's running for governor. Who's gonna win? duhh. that's the problem here in our school. Just because you have more friends and you're from the lower section-thus making you nice and approachable, you always win. stupid school. I wanna run for PRO. but what if some popular irresponsible person runs against me? i'm a scaredy-cat. i know that. did i also mention i'm overly pessimistic?
fall sky, fall!
Monday, June 8, 2009
i am a seen yerr
saw you from the distance
saw you from the stage
something bout the look in your eyes
something bout your beautiful face
can't let the music stop[while imitating david archuleta's moves on the video]
err. i like archie again?! >_<
sorry for the stupid title, but i couldn't think of anything else.
anyway, first day of school. i'm still in my old section! wah, i thought i was gonna get kicked out of the first section after purging aruelo. we have two people from other sections. the first, ephol was from our section during freshman year but he got into a different one on sophomore til junior year. and the other.. she's a late enrollee. no one's missing, finally. well, except for arnem. but we saw him after class, so maybe he'll be going to school tomorrow. they say he's lost a lot of weight after his father died and all, but i don't think so. them people always exaggerate. just like when they said rigel got big and all.
we're at the annex building~again. it's like a sauna there! we have 4 electric fans, but they don't really help.
elections. Ray is running. surprise, surprise! shariah's not running for president. Ray is, and shariah can't run for president with her being the eic and all. more poo. so the teachers won't allow us to have just one party.
[side story]: when we were in grade 6, we only had one party because nobody thought anyone else was good enough[/side story]
anyway, they convinced ariel molina-gay and obnoxious- to run and they asked me to run for PRO but I said no because I didn't want to run in his party. and i couldn't run in Ray's party because they already got Anna. see? i knew this was gonna happen. last year pa lang. so will I run for class PRO? haha ang yabang ko ano. xD idk. when i was in my sophomore year i was up against jezza baldonado and she won because she was famous. and you know what? i was the emcee on the sophomore's day. i looked stupid when my partner stole my lines when we represented the sophomores at the hosting contest during the intrams. so if someone famous runs, i'm doomed. nobody wants to vote for a snobby, guy-punching, loud girl like me.
i'm in st. mark. that was the first section two years ago. two years ago they called themselves markists. now, we are the markers. finally, humor from Ray! ;) our adviser is Ma'am Pascua. she's so passive. dangg.
the worst news? aruelo is teh math teacher, kids.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
jupiter and mars
Use ONLY SONG TITLES, and NOT LYRICS from ONE artist, cleverly answer these questions:
Pick a band/artist: maroon 5
Are you a male or female: She will be loved
Describe yourself: not falling apart
How do you feel about yourself: losing my mind~lol wut?
Describe your current location: memory lane
Describe where you want to be: highway to hell
Your best friend is: secret
You know that: nothing lasts forever
What’s the weather like: must get out
If your life was a television show what would it be called: story
What is the best advice you have to give: better that we break
If you could change your name what would you change it to: Kiwi? xDD
Labels: Because I'm Bored.
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