The regular classes started today, and I didn't run for PRO. Because according to Ray, I don't deserve to be an officer. I still don't understand why he elected me sgt. at arms, though. Laugh all you want, but I plan to be the worse sgt. at arms. They're gonna regret it. most of the candidates for Class Officers, just like I predicted, were popular airheads. And some of them were these trouble-making sluts. They're loud, dumb, and they drink alcohol in their uniforms! And of course, Shariah made their speeches. They were so pathetic, asking for a chance to let them change. poo. You ain't Obama, why would we give you that chance? and I was so glad the seniors had enough brains not to vote for them. lulz. This gay guy ran for governor, and running against him was Ephol, the transferee from our class. Ephol's surprisingly good, I wondered why he wasn't in the first section during sophomore and junior years.
Kanina during religion-or religious studies as Sir Javison like to call it, he said that Ma'am Pascua-teh adviser, complained that some of the students never clean. Like me! lolz. so new resolution: since I heard Ma'am Pascua's pretty kuripot with giving grades, and 40% of our grade in HRG is behavior and helpfulness or something, I'm cleaning. starting tomorrow. xD
I don't know what's up with Tessa, but suddenly she asked us to go to Beaux with her this afternoon. And what did we eat? a whole platter of Bam-i, or whatever they call it. Gah, I'm so full. I'm taking as much pictures as possible. It's our senior year, dammit! our last year. Some of us are even talking about college now. T__T

My bedtime has been 8pm+neozep or I'd fall asleep at 10, cause I have to wake up at 5 in the morning to run. I didn't know that one of my classmates lived in NFA, so when I went to school everyone was like, "part, jogging ta bwas aga ha!/dude, let's go jogging tomorrow morning!" whatever. People have been asking me what course I was planning to take. But I'm not gonna tell them. Basta. All I'm gonna say is I have to be at least 5'2-oo pandak ako.- for it, and be reaaaaaaaalllllllly good at math and physics. Speaking of math, it's been good. Even though Ma'am Aruelo's voice is so effing small (which is weird cause she yells at me all the time at the prefect of discipline) and I should never stop listening or else I wouldn't understand what she's saying anymore, I still get it. I regret not taking the NCAE review, but just like what i always say, everything happens for a reason. (:
Valerie has been nagging me to go watch Angels and Demons with her at KCC, but I kept telling her that I won't watch it until I've read the book. And I wouldn't read the book cause I remember reading the first part right after I read The Da Vinci Code in 6th grade, and I thought it was pretty sucky. And I was right! lolz. Only the middle part was good. Maybe because halfway through the book and went online to find out who the bad guy was. Because of Greysh I've been such a spoiler. lolz. Anyway, yeah. It wasn't the bomb like I thought it would be, but that's okay.
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