exams are over and about the only thing i need to worry about now is the play, not.
last tuesday night valerie and i thought that our AP book was missing [we share], and i knew nothing of AP, i decided to be absent in the morning for Economics, English and PE, to have ample time for studying. And Val was like, "hellooo. what's the use of smart classmates V? and if you'll be absent tomorrow, you're gonna have to take them tests ALONE!" and I just said, "exactly. It's bad enough that I cheat from top through bottom on Math and Physics, as much as possible, I want to not cheat on all the other subjects." And not cheat on all the other subjects i did. While I was absent I studied all morning for computer, and if I don't get a perfect score I'm gonna kill myself. lulz. I'm pretty confident of my results now. (:
When I asked about how AP was they said it was hell. PE and English were okay as long as I studied, but PE was soooo difficult. Even for those who opened their books. poo. That's okay, I have all day tomorrow for studying.
Dayumm. And I already made plans with Yssa for Inna's birthday tomorrow, but I can't go out I have to be a good director/script writer for our play on Tuesday and study for Economics. asar!
I'll be at Gian's all day on Saturday to rehearse for our play and do the props. (:
NCAE next week. o.O
Things that make me happy:
1. Smiling for the first time after a sobfest.
2. Laughing till my stomach hurts.
3. Hearing from my best friend.
4. Listening to my favorite song on the radio.
5. Waking up in the morning to the rain pouring outside.
6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping myself with a warm, fuzzy towel.
7. Taking exams after studying so much knowing i aced the damn test.
8. Being part of an interesting conversation.
9. Finding some money in some old pants.
10. Laughing at myself.
11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all my friends.
12. Laughing without a reason.
13. "Accidentally" hearing someone say something good about me.
14. Flowers with vibrant colors.
15. Hugs.
16. Opening an empty day planner.
17. When I hear my girlfriends with boyfriends say it's better being single.
18. Having a great time with my friends.
19. Seeing the ones I love happy.
20. Worshipping Him.
21. Rereading my old diaries and remembering great memories.
December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009
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