i close my eyes, and the flashback starts.
Monday, July 27, 2009
swine flu? i wish.
i just had the worst weekend. I was planning to read at least 5 chapters El Filibusterismo, but i got sick. I was bedridden for 3 days(Friday afternoon til this morning). It was the absolute worst time to get sick, and I was so irritated. I'd love to say that I was the first swine flu patient in tacurong and all-haha, but it was not. I just had a cold. but it was still horrible for me because I haven't had a cold in years-trust me, i know. I keep a diary, damnit!
everywhere i go, it's the SONA. I went to the college canteen earlier and all the college students were staring up the television watching the freaking SONA. and when i passed the gate, they were broadcasting the SONA on the radio. gahd. i personally think it's wayy overrated. it's nothing but bull to cover up the government's sht. whatever. but i have to listen to it, unfortunately. i have to make a reaction paper for Economics.
5 of my classmates were absent, too. everyone's sick. dang
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I never thought this could happen til it happened to me
so Valerie and I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince last Monday at Marbel. It was yet again another Muslim holiday in Tacurong and it was a great thing that Marbel still had their classes. When Val and I went inside, we were the only people there, and the movie hasn't started yet which was cool because I hate watching the beginning of the movie after knowing the end part. Not that I haven't read the book or anything. I honestly thought that just because I read the book before I saw the film, I wouldn't be so affected with the movie. I thought I'd just see it as another fellow reader's interpretation of the book and stuff, but dang. I was wrong. When Harry and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore arrived at the cave, my eyes started to feel warm. And when Dumbledore made Harry promise to keep Dumbledore drinking, the tears just flowed out of my eyes. Then when Snape said Avara Kedavra, I gasped and I cried like a baby. But when I realized there wasn't gonna be a funeral, I wiped my tears and went all wtf?!. whatever. The movie was so fast paced, Snape didn't even go beserk when he found out that Harry had his potions book. and Hermione didn't even figure out how Snape was the Half-Blood Prince. They took out soo many stuff, but whatever. I loved it. sigh.
My exam scores were pretty good; but I hate having those scores knowing that I just cheated it all off. gtg, I'm gonna go write Rizal's Biography in Tagalog now.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
so this is how senior year is like.
scratch that, this is how taking school seriously is like.
dang, it's so hectic. but i won't complain. i want this.
exams were hell, but that's only because i didn't study. next time i'm gonna study. as in really study, i'm sick of cramming. i've been saying this forever, but i won't give up. ;P
anyway, we've got tons and tons of projects and intrams is just around the corner, and i CANNOT wait for intrams to start. my mind is about to explode. and i drank coffee during the exams. not decaf, but plain old coffee. i feel so guilty. :(
harry potter and the half-blood prince is showing in Marbel-i know, i'm shocked too; usually they show it about 2 weeks after the premiere, but Bruce watched it last night, soo. But i'm not gonna watch until next week, cause it just came out, and i wouldn't want to sit up front or stand up, like last time when i saw order. yeah,
I. I don't like watching HP with other people cause they're gonna be like, "ha? anong nangyari? sino yan? yan yung kalaban?" which ruins all the fun. or i might watch it tomorrow, since we don't have any classes. i'm not really sure yet. but from what i've heard, it had a major cliffhanger at the end, and i'm thinking about watching hp6 the hp7 part 1 and then 2 back to back. but hello, 2011. lolz.
gotta go, i have to finish my stupid project in computer. T_T
Friday, July 10, 2009
not a lot of people know this, but when i'm depressed, i like to splurge, which is stupid because when i think of how much i've spent i just get even more depressed. when i'm out of town, i spend it on clothes or just stuff which i think look nice. like when i got lost in Cebu because everyone was gone and I loved traveling alone, i spent about a thousand bucks on starbucks twice in one night and this shirt at artwork for my brother that turned out to be two sizes too small. but since i'm in tacurong, i waste on food/drinks. today i have had someone buy me food for recess, went to Moi Ponne's cafe alone(loner mode), i promised myself never to drink coffee, so I consumed 4-yes, 4- cans of pepsi-i personally prefer coke better, but our school doesn't sell coke despite this big red canteen with the "Coca-Cola" on the roof that we have. i am currently resisting the urge to buy a 1500mL bottle of Coke.
anyway, now that you know about my spending problem, let me tell you about why i'm depressed right now. the projects are a disaster. note to self: never make people's projects. I am all about minimalism, so when i handed out 13 (CJ's still in Ilocos) people's projects, they were all "this is my 100 pesos? do it again!" and so I made their new projects and when Precious saw hers she was like, "Long, bakit ganito? maikli lagi? yung kay fle gani mahaba.. tas bakit ganito yung papel?" srsly, it took all my restraint to keep myself from yelling at her face saying "pucha! eh tatanga-tanga ka pala eh, tinatanong kita anong gusto mo tas anong sinabi mo? ikaw lang bahala long, basta gandahan mo." Her project was pretty good, mind you. Because I gave her MY project. or the fonts and the format, at least. lulz. that bitch. and Janilyne was all, "hmph!" while she stomped her 1.5-inch shoes. gahd. I know it's my fault, but did they have to react like that? i was so pissed. 1) because I spent so much, 2) because after worrying so much about other people's projects mine sucked. I spent so much money on their fucking projects, kulang pa yung money na binayad nila. bwiset. naka-ilang tapal na ako, nag-iipon pa naman ako for the jersey on intrams. (reminder: my computer is wayy older than yours, it doesn't have a usb port or colored printer that i had to make them in Nathaly's laptop or in cafes)
i also got zero on a 40-item quiz on Filipino because i forgot my quiz notebook at home and to Ma'am Dagamac, not having a quiz notebook during quizzes is not having a score at all.
the only good thing is that we finally worked out our investigatory project-a million and one thanks to jue. (:
some people may not see that as a good thing, like my pessimistic side who's saying "it's not a bad thing-yet" but still, God is still great. it's just me who isn't. shoot. that's what you get for missing church and still getting your mass card signed, V!
by the way, i'm joining stuff on intrams. I was previously assigned to play scrabble, but since i suck at the whole scoring part, i decided to join word factory or as i used to call it when i was 7, boggle. xD that was my very first big word. lollerz. and valerie and i are also the organizers. we're gonna run around school to make sure we don't get any defaults or something.
and on the 19th we're sponsoring a mass and i am the freaking commentator. it's gonna be fun, since i SUCK at reading aloud and all. especially when it's in tagalog. xD
and after exams we'll be having plays. not skits-but plays. we're not doing priam ransoms the body of hector/hector and andromache's farewell anymore, but we're doing all the love stories. my group has Pyramus and Thisbe and I'm the script writer-which is awesome because I'm a sucker for tragedies and it gives me an excuse to reread New Moon.
oh well. exams next week; math is making sense-thanks to Ma'am Aruelo and Rigel. xDD
Sunday, July 5, 2009
stupid me.
last friday we didn't have any classes: in the morning we had the induction of officers and instead of coming up the stage, promising to be the best sgt. at arms i can be, i cut class to do CJ's english project. insert-- Kristan and I have been fighting ever since the first day of school, with him calling me stuck ball and me calling him guy using coal as soap. Anyway, he started talking to me again in a nice way and i was just, "oh, please. did you run out of mean things to say now?"and stuff like that, BUT i was wrong. he needed something from me. I found out when PM asked me to make his English project, and I ran to Kristan and told him that I knew what he wanted from me. So yeah, I made their projects for a fee. Then I told CJ about it and since he's too busy sleeping in everyday and teaching his little cousins how to play guitar in Ilocos, he asked me to make his project-for a fee. /insert then in the afternoon, the seniors didn't have any classes cause we had this project in religion about caring for God's creation, so we had to turn the annex building into a mini-oasis. or at least they did. of course i didn't help! i was just in charge of music cause Aying brought his laptop and speakers. on second thought, i should have helped. dang. but it was really pretty though. they repainted the round chair thing and put orchids and stuff, so pretty.
then everyone found out i made Kristan and PM's projects, so everyone asked me to do their projects. after school, bruce, tezza, flery, precious, val and i all went to Moi Ponne's cafe, after that i started making 10 projects, and until the next day, i didn't have the time to do my homework.
so this morning I woke up a little too late cause i was so tired, then i went to Jed Lagulay's place for a household until around 4-ish. Then Val & I went home and watched hannah montana. xDD and she was like, "aren't you going to church?" and i just said "5:30 pa yun." WRONG. I went to church a little after 5:30 and it was the communion na, so i thought i was early or something(i have no sense of time). then when the mass ended, i went inside and took my seat at the front pew and waited. and waited. and wondered why kuya onyok(pianist) was covering the piano and no one was coming inside. i missed church. 5:30 daw o. fudge.
You won't be hearing from me in a week or so. Exams, projects, pop quizzes here and there-and i thought during my 3 years in high school they only existed in the states- and i also have to make a script for Pyramus and Thisbe for English, since I hate acting and all.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
karma's a bitch.
last Tuesday Elcid hit me on the face and I was just holding back the tears.
Yesterday morning after I tried to make fun of him,[because he makes fun of me all the time] he threatened to hit me again.
During lunch break on the same day, I threw his notebooks over the fence at Siena. Sorry, girls. If you happen to come across three notebooks with the name Elcid G. San Pedro in front of it-on second thought, you might not be able to read the name, thanks to his cuneiform calligraphy. Anyway, if you do see it, with his handwriting messed up and everything-cause it rained a bit that afternoon xD-, you can use the paper for your MPs since it has plenty of empty pages, or just plain panggatong. lol jk. peace. (:
He was so furious that afternoon, since he can't find his notebooks and all. And it was so hilarious and ironic both at the same time that just when he was about to lose his notebooks, he actually took down four manila papers' worth of notes. [he doesn't usually take notes]
I do
not take people's shit, he should have seen this coming before he ever did that to me. I don't feel sorry for him. at all.
I do feel sorry for dumping trash on siena's property, but if i dumped in the cr, it would be too obvious, since the cr's too stinky that i never go there and the anthill/!nunu? behind the annex building just won't do.
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