Soo.. School. Finally, something’s happening! It was beginning to get pretty boring. I started to miss the drama. Lolz. So Klier and Tisoy broke up for the nth time—this time, it was because of this joke Valerie made that Tisoy took seriously. And now Klier says she`s supposedly had enough of Val an that she’s really mad at her, but I don’t think so. Seriously, they break up all the time[on a weekly basis at the least].
I’m beginning to see Klier as a
mild version of Tezza; Cause Tezza and Daniel are always on the verge of breaking up cause they tend to find fault in everything(i.e., falling asleep while texting at night or playing DoTa without permission of teh
girlfriend)but the difference is that Klier and Tisoy break up because of Tisoy’s anger management issues and loyalty to Klier and Klier’s loyalty to him as well. And Tezza talks about Daniel 99% of the time, while Klier only talks about Tisoy when they break up, which I can still handle. So where do I fit in here? See, I’m the type of friend who’s not gonna let her friends look as stupid as they really are and I’m also pretty protective of them. But some people,(including Tezza) define true friends as being there for you no matter what stupid thing you keep on doing over and over again no matter how much we tell her to stop.It’s really stupid, because of her defensiveness, she’s failed to see my point. What’s stupider, is that she told me that she’d do this to me when I’d mess up[fall for him again]. I guess she’d never thought that people would ever start to think of her as someone way worse than I am. Funny. ;DD As for Klier, I’m afraid that all her hanging out with Tezza would make her a Tezza as well, and that would mean being awfully narrow-minded, friendless and utterly disgusting because of her intense feelings for the boyfriend. But I can’t help but feel sorry for Tezza. Because really, she doesn’t have any friends anymore and Klier is her only girl friend. The only other “real” friends she’s got are Daniel’s minions-or so they used to be. Hah!
You prolly think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. They are utterly disgusting. Normal couples hold hands and sit a close to each other—and they do that without teachers, with a few friends around. As for “them”, she sits on his lap, hands AND arms intertwined. Or maybe his arms around her waist. I don’t really recall everything they do, because they gross me out so bad i don’t want to waste 2 seconds looking at
them. Sorry you had to read that, I don’t want you to think I’m making this up.
Err.. Why do I keep on talking about other people? Not that I think its better to talk about myself a day or something, but hey. There’s always something way better than talking about Speidi.
I watched Twilight online. I was planning to watch it in a cinema, but then my sister told me the movie was BAD, so I decided to just watch it online and not spend on something so horribly done. Speaking of Twilight, what is up with Rob’s hair? I mean, I get the whole Edward Cullen hair[or however fangirls call it] and everything, but his hair just looks really bad. Ugh. He smokes. And Kristen smokes through a pipe. And Kristen has bad acting skills. gee, i really hate the movie, don't i? okay. i'm gonna stop ranting about it na because I already made a review for the school paper about Twilight. Hah. I’m a contributor now, and Shariah said I might get to be a staffer next year. *crosses fingers. Buti pa ang Siena, narelease na ang paper nila.
Btw, We have this project in English where we’re gonna make our own newspaper. Our name? The Chronicle. I had ideas too, mind you. But they didn’t like The Daily Prophet[our paper’s not coming out everyday] and some others I forgot about. Lemuel thought of the herald or something and I was seriously about to make him cry again but I got kinda scared cause he keeps leaving his inhaler at his house. Lolz. We were supposed to do that for the third quarter, but we were too busy with our project in religion-reports about every church in tacurong, that our English teacher was kind enough to give way.
Also, we had a poem recital last week. We got to choose whatever poem we wanted. And we were gonna do it on cam. I wanted to do Greysh’s This is a story, but then St.Jude would think that the poem would be addressed to someone in class. So I ended up using this random poem from my sister’s publication-The Rock. Oh, right. I also thought of the Rock but they couldn’t think of a reason why we would choose that. (As if they had a reason for choosing Boston and Lakers as names for parties back in the class elections..) I'm gonna be writing a feature for Twilight, and I'm pretty sure Judeans[YUCK] would read it cause they've gotten interest in Twilight now. Thanks to me and Bruce who brings his books(which i bought in eBay for him and cost twice the amount i paid for last July) and me, whose chair is totally Twilight-ized. My armchair has photos of Kellan, Rob and Taylor and my nameplate looks pretty much like the book cover. Yey me!
Woah. This is getting pretty long. I guess this is what I get for not blogging for so long.
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